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- /*==============================================================================
- Project: POV-Ray
- Version: 2.2
- File: ImageWindow.c
- Description:
- This file contains the Macintosh Image window routines for POV-Ray.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Authors:
- Jim Nitchals, David Harr, Eduard [esp] Schwan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- More Info:
- This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
- (Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
- port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
- For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- CompuServe: 71513,2161
- Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: jl.tech
- Jim Nitchals
- Compuserve: 73117,3020
- America Online: JIMN8
- Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: JIMN8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change History:
- 930610 [esp] Created
- 930610 [esp] Added Size2Window code
- 930620 [esp] Changed brighten/darken image slightly to fix saturation bug
- 930710 [esp] Added WindowValid check
- 930903 [esp] Major bug fixes to Virtual Image Buffer code
- 931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
- 931119 [djh] 2.0.1 source conditionally compiles for PPC machines, keyword __powerc
- 940416 [PFS] 2.2.1 greatly reworked to clean up PPC support and provide CodeWarrior projects
- ==============================================================================*/
- /*==== our header ====*/
- #include "ImageWindow.h"
- /*==== defs ====*/
- // temp virtual image file file
- // Windows
- #define kWindID_Image 1001 // image window
- #define PICTF_HEADER_SIZE 512 // old MacDraw PICTF header
- /* Pict file header structure (after the 512 byte header) */
- typedef struct
- {
- short picSize; // low word of size
- Rect picFrame; // picture bounds
- } PictFHeader, *PictFHeaderPtr;
- /*==== globals ====*/
- WindowPtr gImageWindowPtr = NULL; // the image window
- Boolean gImageWindIsValid = false; // true if valid stuff in window
- // Str63 gImageWindName; // image window's name
- Boolean use_custom_palette = false; // does the user desire to use color q?
- int gColorQuantMethod = -1; // what kind of color quantization?
- Boolean gDoingVirtualFile = false; // true if doing virtual image buffering
- #if defined(__powerc)
- extern RoutineDescriptor MyPutPicProc;
- #endif
- // Forward declaration of function
- pascal void MyPutPicProcProc( char *dataPtr, short byteCount);
- /*==== globals (local) ====*/
- /* image window stuff */
- static PixMapHandle gOffScreenPixMapH = NULL;
- static Ptr gImagePixmapPtr = NULL;
- static CTabHandle gCTabHdl = NULL;
- static PaletteHandle gCustomPalette = NULL;
- static PaletteHandle gSystemPalette = NULL;
- // used by Paint_to_Picture() and MyPutPicProc()
- PicHandle gMyPicHandle;
- long gMyPicSize;
- static FILE *gImagePictFile = NULL; // used to save image to PICT
- static Rect gImageBounds, // source (offscreen image) bounds
- gDisplayBounds; // destination image bounds
- static short gImageWidth,
- gImageHeight;
- static int gLastYPos = 0; // last vertical position during previous refresh
- static short gCurrYPos;
- static long gPixMapBuffSize;
- static long gDitherTicks; // # of ticks to wait between image refresh
- static long gRefreshTick = 0; // Time of last Quickdraw dither of graphic port
- /* Undo stuff */
- static Ptr gImageUndoBuffer = NULL;
- static Ptr gImageUndoBuffer2 = NULL;
- static Ptr gImageRevertBuffer = NULL;
- /* virtual image buffer globals */
- static FILE *gVirtualImageFile = NULL;
- static short virtual_pixHeight;
- static short virtual_buffer_dirty;
- static short virtual_currentSegment = -1;
- static short virtual_minY;
- static short virtual_maxY;
- static long virtual_segSize = SWAP_SIZE;
- // ==============================================
- void InitImageWindow(void)
- {
- // allocate the image window (it is shown/hidden later)
- gImageWindowPtr = GetNewCWindow(kWindID_Image, NULL, (WindowPtr)NULL);
- } // InitImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- void KillImageWindow(void)
- {
- if (gImageWindowPtr)
- DisposeWindow(gImageWindowPtr);
- gImageWindowPtr = NULL;
- } // KillImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- // Create system/custom palette variables for use by image window
- void SetupPalettes(void)
- {
- int k;
- // Get default System palette for non-custom mode, (IM VI, Pg. 20-17)
- gSystemPalette = NewPalette(256, NULL, pmTolerant, 0x0000);
- if (gSystemPalette)
- {
- CopyPalette(GetPalette((WindowPtr)-1), gSystemPalette, 0, 0, 256);
- for (k=0; k<256; k++)
- SetEntryUsage(gSystemPalette, k, pmTolerant, 0x0000);
- }
- // allocate a palette for the Image window, fill to default system palette
- gCustomPalette = NewPalette(256, NULL, pmTolerant, 0x0000); // exact match only
- if (gCustomPalette)
- {
- CopyPalette(gSystemPalette, gCustomPalette, 0, 0, 256);
- for (k=0; k<256; k++)
- SetEntryUsage(gCustomPalette, k, pmTolerant, 0x0000);
- }
- } // SetupPalettes
- // ==============================================
- // Build offscreen pixmap
- void SetupOffscreen(void)
- {
- // Jim, since we REQUIRE 32 bit Color QuickDraw, we should change this
- // to use the much easier and better supported 32bQD call NewGWorld()? [esp]
- gCTabHdl = (CTabHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(ColorTable));
- (**gCTabHdl).ctSeed = 24;
- (**gCTabHdl).ctFlags = 0;
- (**gCTabHdl).ctSize = 0;
- gOffScreenPixMapH = (PixMapHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(PixMap));
- if (gOffScreenPixMapH != NULL)
- {
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).pmVersion = 0;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).packType = 0;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).packSize = 0;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).hRes = 0x480000; // 72.0 x 72.0 dpi
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).vRes = 0x480000;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).pixelType = RGBDirect;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).pixelSize = 32;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).cmpCount = 3;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).cmpSize = 8;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).planeBytes = 0;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).pmTable = gCTabHdl;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).pmReserved = 0;
- (**gOffScreenPixMapH).baseAddr = NULL;
- }
- if (gOffScreenPixMapH == NULL)
- {
- // fatal error
- displayDialog(kdlog_GenericFatalErr, "Cannot allocate memory for PixMap",
- MemError(), ewcDoCentering, eMainDevice);
- exit_handler();
- }
- } // SetupOffscreen
- // ==============================================
- // Build offscreen pixmap
- void KillOffscreen(void)
- {
- if (gCTabHdl)
- DisposeHandle((Handle)gCTabHdl);
- if (gOffScreenPixMapH)
- DisposeHandle((Handle)gOffScreenPixMapH);
- gCTabHdl = NULL;
- gOffScreenPixMapH = NULL;
- } // KillOffscreen
- // ==============================================
- // Close the image window
- void CloseImageWindow()
- {
- if (gImageWindowPtr)
- HideWindow(gImageWindowPtr);
- (**gFilePrefs_h).imageMagFactor = viewmn_hidden;
- } // CloseImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- // Force the entire image window to be updated
- void InvalRect_ImageWindow(Boolean DoWholeWindow)
- {
- int magFactor;
- Rect myInvalRect;
- if (gImageWindowPtr && ((WindowPeek)gImageWindowPtr)->visible)
- {
- SetPort(gImageWindowPtr);
- myInvalRect = gImageWindowPtr->portRect;
- ClipRect(&myInvalRect);
- // if doing partial window in a regular magnification mode...
- if (!DoWholeWindow && ((**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor != viewmn_Size2Window))
- {
- magFactor = (**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor-viewmn_normal+1; // 1,2,3,4
- myInvalRect.top = magFactor * gLastYPos;
- myInvalRect.bottom = magFactor * (gCurrYPos + 1);
- }
- InvalRect(&myInvalRect);
- }
- } // InvalRect_ImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- // Display the image window grow box
- static void DrawImageGrowBox(void)
- {
- int looper;
- Rect box;
- PenState pstate;
- // Save current port state
- SetPort(gImageWindowPtr);
- GetPenState(&pstate);
- // find window size
- box = gImageWindowPtr->portRect;
- // make boxes in lower left corner
- box.top = box.bottom-7;
- box.left = box.right-7;
- OffsetRect(&box, -1, -1);
- // do two overlapping boxes
- for (looper=0; looper<2; looper++)
- {
- // draw white box
- ForeColor(whiteColor);
- FrameRect(&box);
- // draw black box
- OffsetRect(&box, -1, -1);
- ForeColor(blackColor);
- FrameRect(&box);
- // move up & draw 2nd smaller box
- OffsetRect(&box, -2, -2);
- box.right -= 1;
- box.bottom -= 1;
- }
- // restore world
- SetPenState(&pstate);
- } // DrawImageGrowBox
- // ==============================================
- void DoResizeImageWindow(WindowPtr w, short h, short v)
- {
- // Rect oldHorizBar;
- Rect r;
- SetPort(w);
- // oldHorizBar = w->portRect;
- // oldHorizBar.top = oldHorizBar.bottom - (SBarWidth+1);
- SizeWindow(w, h, v, false);
- // EraseRect(&oldHorizBar);
- // MoveControl(gSrcWind_VScroll, w->portRect.right - SBarWidth, w->portRect.top-1);
- // SizeControl(gSrcWind_VScroll, SBarWidth+1, w->portRect.bottom - w->portRect.top-(SBarWidth-2));
- // r = (**gSrcWind_VScroll).contrlRect;
- // ValidRect(&r);
- GetGlobalWindowRect(w, &r);
- (**gFilePrefs_h).imageWind_pos = r;
- if ((**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor == viewmn_Size2Window)
- gDisplayBounds = w->portRect;
- } // DoResizeImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- void DoGrowImageWindow(WindowPtr w, Point p)
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- long theResult;
- Rect r;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(w);
- GetMaxGrowRect(w, &r);
- theResult = GrowWindow(w, p, &r);
- if (theResult != 0)
- {
- DoResizeImageWindow(w, LoWord(theResult), HiWord(theResult));
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- }
- SetPort(savePort);
- } // DoGrowImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- void UpdateImageWindow(void)
- {
- if (gImageWindowPtr)
- {
- SetPort(gImageWindowPtr);
- BeginUpdate(gImageWindowPtr);
- DrawImageWindow(false);
- EndUpdate(gImageWindowPtr);
- }
- } // UpdateImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- void SetImageWindowMag(short magMenuItem)
- {
- int magFactor;
- Rect r,screenRect;
- GDHandle theGD;
- if (magMenuItem == viewmn_hidden)
- HideWindow(gImageWindowPtr);
- else
- {
- if (magMenuItem == viewmn_Size2Window)
- { // set image buffer to 1xsize, leave window size alone
- gDisplayBounds = gImageWindowPtr->portRect;
- }
- else
- { // set image buffer rect to N*Size, resize window
- magFactor = magMenuItem-viewmn_normal+1; // 1,2,3,4
- // get new zero-based rect
- SetRect(&gDisplayBounds, 0, 0,
- gImageWidth * magFactor,
- gImageHeight * magFactor);
- // convert to potential global window rect
- GetGlobalWindowRect(gImageWindowPtr, &r);
- r.right = r.left + gDisplayBounds.right;
- r.bottom = r.top + gDisplayBounds.bottom;
- // move it to appropriate screen if needed
- ForceRectOnScreen(&r);
- // [esp] hmm, shouldn't this next useful chunk of code be moved into ScreenUtils.c?
- // clip any overhang off bottom/right
- theGD = GetClosestGDevice(&r);
- screenRect = (**theGD).gdRect;
- if (r.right > screenRect.right)
- r.right = screenRect.right;
- if (r.bottom > screenRect.bottom)
- r.bottom = screenRect.bottom;
- MoveWindow(gImageWindowPtr, r.left, r.top, false);
- DoResizeImageWindow(gImageWindowPtr,
- r.right-r.left,
- r.bottom-r.top);
- // [esp] need code here to handle scroll bars... oh yah, we need scroll bars first!
- }
- // if window is valid, show it now. This check lets the user
- // set the window size even when there's no valid window content,
- // and doesn't actually show the window until it is valid.
- if (gImageWindIsValid)
- {
- ShowWindow(gImageWindowPtr);
- SelectWindow(gImageWindowPtr);
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- }
- } // else visible
- } // SetImageWindowMag
- // ==============================================
- // Create undo buffers for Image window changes
- void make_undo(void)
- {
- if (gImageUndoBuffer == 0)
- {
- gImageUndoBuffer = NewPtr (gPixMapBuffSize); /* room for image */
- gImageUndoBuffer2 = NewPtr (gPixMapBuffSize); /* room for image */
- gImageRevertBuffer = NewPtr (gPixMapBuffSize);
- if ( (gImageRevertBuffer) && (gImagePixmapPtr))
- memcpy(gImageRevertBuffer, gImagePixmapPtr, gPixMapBuffSize);
- }
- /* if any of the memory allocations failed, or available mem is low, */
- /* fail the whole undo system */
- if ( (gImageUndoBuffer == NULL) || (gImageUndoBuffer2 == NULL) || (gImageRevertBuffer == NULL)
- || (FreeMem() < 50000L) )
- {
- if (gImageUndoBuffer)
- DisposePtr (gImageUndoBuffer);
- if (gImageUndoBuffer2)
- DisposePtr (gImageUndoBuffer2);
- if (gImageRevertBuffer)
- DisposePtr (gImageRevertBuffer);
- gImageUndoBuffer = NULL;
- gImageUndoBuffer2 = NULL;
- gImageRevertBuffer = NULL;
- }
- if ((gImageUndoBuffer) && (gImagePixmapPtr))
- {
- memcpy(gImageUndoBuffer, gImagePixmapPtr, gPixMapBuffSize);
- gCanUndo = TRUE;
- }
- } // make_undo
- // ==============================================
- // Actually do the undo operation on the image window
- void undo_image(void)
- {
- if ((gImageUndoBuffer) && (gCanUndo) && (gImagePixmapPtr))
- {
- memcpy(gImageUndoBuffer2, gImagePixmapPtr, gPixMapBuffSize);
- memcpy(gImagePixmapPtr, gImageUndoBuffer, gPixMapBuffSize);
- memcpy(gImageUndoBuffer, gImageUndoBuffer2, gPixMapBuffSize);
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- }
- } // undo_image
- // ==============================================
- // restore the original image to the image window
- void revert_image(void)
- {
- if ((gImageRevertBuffer) && (gImagePixmapPtr))
- {
- memcpy(gImageUndoBuffer, gImagePixmapPtr, gPixMapBuffSize);
- memcpy(gImagePixmapPtr, gImageRevertBuffer, gPixMapBuffSize);
- gCanUndo = TRUE;
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- }
- } // revert_image
- // ==============================================
- // return the value "v", insuring it is between 0 and 255
- static short ClipToByteRange(short v)
- {
- if ( v < 0)
- return (0);
- if (v > 255)
- return (255);
- return (v);
- } // ClipToByteRange
- // ==============================================
- // Darken every pixel value in image window by 7/8ths original
- void darken_image(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- short v;
- long i,j;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < gImageWidth; j++)
- {
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((gImageWidth * i) + j));
- *pptr = 0;
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 7 / 8)-1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 7 / 8)-1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 7 / 8)-1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- }
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // darken_image
- // ==============================================
- // Lighten every pixel value in image window by 8/7ths original
- void lighten_image(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- long i,j;
- short v;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < gImageWidth; j++)
- {
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((gImageWidth * i) + j));
- *pptr = 0;
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 8 / 7)+1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 8 / 7)+1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- v = (*pptr * 8 / 7)+1;
- *pptr = ClipToByteRange (v);
- pptr++;
- }
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // lighten_image
- // ==============================================
- // Invert every pixel value in image window
- void invert_image(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- long i,j;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < gImageWidth; j++)
- {
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((gImageWidth * i) + j));
- *pptr = 0;
- pptr++;
- *pptr = 255 - *pptr;
- pptr++;
- *pptr = 255 - *pptr;
- pptr++;
- *pptr = 255 - *pptr;
- pptr++;
- }
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // invert_image
- // ==============================================
- // Reduce the contrast of every pixel value in image window a bit
- void reduce_contrast(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- long i,j;
- short v;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < gImageWidth; j++)
- {
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((gImageWidth * i) + j));
- *pptr++ = 0;
- v = *pptr;
- v = v - ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = v;
- v = *pptr;
- v = v - ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = v;
- v = *pptr;
- v = v - ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = v;
- }
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // reduce_contrast
- // ==============================================
- // Increase the contrast of every pixel value in image window a bit
- void increase_contrast(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- long i,j;
- short v;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < gImageWidth; j++)
- {
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((gImageWidth * i) + j));
- *pptr++ = 0;
- v = *pptr;
- v = v + ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = ClipToByteRange(v);
- v = *pptr;
- v = v + ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = ClipToByteRange(v);
- v = *pptr;
- v = v + ((v - 128) >> 2);
- *pptr++ = ClipToByteRange(v);
- }
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // increase_contrast
- // ==============================================
- // draw a 1 pixel black border around the edge of the image
- void draw_border(void)
- {
- unsigned char *pptr;
- long i;
- make_undo();
- if (gImagePixmapPtr == 0) return;
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i++)
- {
- /* left border edge */
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + (gImageWidth * 4 * i) );
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- /* right border edge */
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + (gImageWidth * 4 * i) + ((gImageWidth-1) * 4) );
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- }
- for (i=0; i < gImageWidth; i++)
- {
- /* top border edge */
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- (gImagePixmapPtr + (4 * i));
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- /* bottom border edge */
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- ( gImagePixmapPtr + 4L*gImageWidth*(gImageHeight-1) + 4*i );
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = 0;
- }
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(true);
- } // draw_border
- // ==============================================
- // Create and open the virtual image buffer file for large images
- void open_virtual(void)
- {
- int err;
- delete_virtual();
- if (!gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- gVirtualImageFile = fopen(POVRAY_IMAGETEMP_FNAME,"wb+");
- err = ferror(gVirtualImageFile);
- if (!gVirtualImageFile)
- printf("## Error #%d opening file '%s'!\n", err, POVRAY_IMAGETEMP_FNAME);
- }
- virtual_currentSegment = -1;
- virtual_buffer_dirty = false;
- virtual_minY = 32767;
- virtual_maxY = 0;
- virtual_pixHeight = virtual_segSize / (gImageWidth * 4L);
- gDoingVirtualFile = true;
- } // open_virtual
- // ==============================================
- // Close and delete the virtual image buffer file
- void delete_virtual(void)
- {
- int k;
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- fclose (gVirtualImageFile);
- gVirtualImageFile = NULL;
- }
- gDoingVirtualFile = false;
- } // delete_virtual
- // ==============================================
- // Dispose of virtual image buffer memory, and close/delete the file
- void dispose_virtual(void)
- {
- Handle h;
- if (gImagePixmapPtr)
- {
- h = RecoverHandle(gImagePixmapPtr);
- HUnlock(h);
- DisposHandle(h);
- gImagePixmapPtr = NULL;
- gCanUndo = 0;
- }
- if (gImageUndoBuffer)
- DisposePtr(gImageUndoBuffer);
- if (gImageUndoBuffer2)
- DisposePtr(gImageUndoBuffer2);
- if (gImageRevertBuffer)
- DisposePtr(gImageRevertBuffer);
- gImageUndoBuffer = NULL;
- gImageUndoBuffer2 = NULL;
- gImageRevertBuffer = NULL;
- delete_virtual();
- virtual_minY = 32767;
- } // dispose_virtual
- // ==============================================
- // swap in the "y"th virtual image buffer segment from disk
- void swap_virtual_segment (short y)
- {
- int i;
- int err;
- // is Y outside currently loaded segment? need to load new one
- if (gDoingVirtualFile && ((y < virtual_minY) || (y >= virtual_maxY)) )
- {
- // is current segment dirty? save to disk first if so
- if (virtual_buffer_dirty && (virtual_currentSegment >= 0))
- {
- fseek(gVirtualImageFile, (virtual_currentSegment * virtual_segSize), SEEK_SET);
- if ( fwrite((char *) gImagePixmapPtr, virtual_segSize, 1, gVirtualImageFile) != 1)
- { // error
- err = ferror(gVirtualImageFile);
- if (err)
- printf("## Error #%d writing position #%ld in file '%s'!\n",
- err, (virtual_currentSegment * virtual_segSize),
- dispose_virtual();
- }
- }
- // Now calculate and read needed segment into memory
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- // calculate new current segment stuff
- virtual_currentSegment = (int) (y / virtual_pixHeight);
- virtual_minY = virtual_currentSegment * virtual_pixHeight;
- virtual_maxY = (virtual_currentSegment + 1) * virtual_pixHeight;
- // read it in off disk
- fseek(gVirtualImageFile, (virtual_currentSegment * virtual_segSize), SEEK_SET);
- i = fread((char *) gImagePixmapPtr, virtual_segSize, 1, gVirtualImageFile);
- err = ferror(gVirtualImageFile);
- if (err)
- printf("## Error #%d reading position #%ld in file '%s'!\n",
- err, (virtual_currentSegment * virtual_segSize),
- virtual_buffer_dirty = false;
- }
- // error.. couldn't keep swap file open
- if (!gDoingVirtualFile)
- (void)displayDialog(139, NULL, 0, ewcDoCentering, eSameAsPassedWindow);
- }
- } // swap_virtual_segment
- // ==============================================
- // Initialize the display, set up buffers (VIB if needed)
- void display_init(int width, int height)
- {
- long *p, *q, pmsize, i;
- Handle h;
- short error_dlogID = 0;
- DialogPtr progressDialogPtr = NULL;
- if ((**gPrefs2Use_h).progress >= kProgMinimal)
- {
- printf("-- [Memory] FreeMemory=%ldK\n", FreeMem()/1024L);
- }
- SetCursor(&gWaitCursor); // could take a little while..
- gImageWidth = width;
- gImageHeight = height;
- gPixMapBuffSize = 4L * (long) width * (long) height;
- gCurrYPos = 0;
- gLastYPos = 0;
- SetRect(&gImageBounds, 0, 0, width, height);
- pmsize = gPixMapBuffSize;
- virtual_buffer_dirty = false;
- h = NULL;
- // if there is enough room for a pixmap, plus a little free space (100KB),
- // then go ahead and allocate it..
- if (FreeMem() > pmsize + 100000L)
- h = NewHandleClear(pmsize);
- // ..otherwise play virtual buffer games..
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- // can't allocate, do it in segments, set up progress dialog
- progressDialogPtr = GetNewProgressDialog(153, 3);
- if (progressDialogPtr)
- {
- PositionWindow(progressDialogPtr, ewcDoCentering, eSameAsPassedWindow, (WindowPtr)gp2wWindow);
- ShowWindow(progressDialogPtr);
- SelectWindow(progressDialogPtr);
- DrawDialog(progressDialogPtr);
- // make sure events get through so dlog is updated
- Cooperate(true);
- }
- }
- // let user know some info
- if ((**gPrefs2Use_h).progress >= kProgMinimal)
- {
- if ( (h == NULL) && ((**gPrefs2Use_h).progress >= kProgDebug) )
- printf("-d VIBNumSegments=%d, VIBSegmentSize=%dK\n",
- (int)1+(gImageHeight / (virtual_segSize / (gImageWidth * 4L))),
- (int)(virtual_segSize/1024L));
- printf("-- ImageBufferPixWidth=%d, ImageBufferPixHeight=%d, ImageBufferSize=%ldK\n",
- gImageWidth, gImageHeight, pmsize/1024L);
- }
- if (h)
- { // got whole thing, initialize it
- MoveHHi(h);
- HLock(h);
- gImagePixmapPtr = *h;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->bounds = gImageBounds;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->rowBytes = (width * 4) | 0x8000;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->baseAddr = gImagePixmapPtr;
- // fill to white
- q = (long *) ((long) gImagePixmapPtr + pmsize);
- for (p = (long *) gImagePixmapPtr; p < q; *p++ = -1L)
- ;
- gDitherTicks = 20*60; /* 20 seconds between re-dithers */
- }
- else
- { // set up the virtual buffer
- open_virtual();
- SetRect(&gImageBounds, 0, 0, width, virtual_pixHeight);
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- h = NewHandleClear(virtual_segSize);
- if (!h)
- {
- dispose_virtual();
- error_dlogID = 133; // no display memory
- }
- else
- {
- if (progressDialogPtr)
- updateProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr, 0, gImageHeight-1, 1);
- MoveHHi(h);
- HLock(h);
- gImagePixmapPtr = *h;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->bounds = gImageBounds;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->rowBytes = (width * 4) | 0x8000;
- (*gOffScreenPixMapH)->baseAddr = gImagePixmapPtr;
- // fill to white
- q = (long *) ((long) gImagePixmapPtr + virtual_segSize);
- for (p = (long *) gImagePixmapPtr; p < q; *p++ = -1)
- ;
- gDitherTicks = 4L*60L*60L; /* 4 minutes between re-dithers */
- // We go through this for loop with i stepping down through the image
- // scanlines every 1/2 buffer size. The only reason for not going
- // every buffer size (virtual_pixHeight) is to make the progress bar
- // a little less jerky, doesn't slow things down much.
- for (i=0; (i<gImageHeight)&&gDoingVirtualFile; i+=(virtual_pixHeight>>1))
- {
- // Update the progress bar
- if (progressDialogPtr)
- {
- Cooperate(true);
- updateProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr, 0, gImageHeight-1, i);
- }
- // force it to write each segment to disk to build the file
- virtual_buffer_dirty = true;
- swap_virtual_segment (i);
- }
- /* swap back in segment 0 */
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- if (progressDialogPtr)
- updateProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr, 0, gImageHeight, gImageHeight);
- virtual_buffer_dirty = true;
- swap_virtual_segment(0);
- }
- if (!gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- error_dlogID = 139; // no disk space for swap file
- dispose_virtual();
- }
- }
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- // get rid of progress dialog
- if (progressDialogPtr)
- disposeProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr);
- } // else virtual
- // display any error messages now
- if (error_dlogID)
- (void)displayDialog(error_dlogID, NULL, 0, ewcDoCentering, eSameAsPassedWindow);
- else
- {
- // image window now has content
- // turn on now, so SetImageWindMag will show window
- gImageWindIsValid = true;
- // size and show the window
- SetImageWindowMag((**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor);
- if (gHasPictUtils)
- SetCustomPalette(false);
- }
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow); // all done initializing..
- } // display_init
- // ==============================================
- // Plot a single pixel at (x,y)
- void display_plot(int x, int y,
- unsigned char Red,
- unsigned char Green,
- unsigned char Blue)
- {
- RGBColor c;
- unsigned char *pptr;
- Rect magniRect;
- long pport_y;
- int mr;
- int magFactor;
- gCurrYPos = y;
- if (gImagePixmapPtr)
- {
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- swap_virtual_segment(y);
- pport_y = y - virtual_minY; /* Y offset within current virtual segment */
- virtual_buffer_dirty = true;
- }
- else
- pport_y = y;
- // slam the RGB value into the pixmap
- pptr = (unsigned char *)
- ((long) gImagePixmapPtr + 4L * ((long) gImageBounds.right * pport_y + (long) x));
- *pptr++ = 0;
- *pptr++ = Red;
- *pptr++ = Green;
- *pptr = Blue;
- }
- magFactor = (**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor;
- if (magFactor != viewmn_hidden)
- { // it is visible
- SetPort(gImageWindowPtr);
- c.red = ((short)Red)<<8;
- c.green = ((short) Green)<<8;
- c.blue = ((short) Blue)<<8;
- if (magFactor == viewmn_normal)
- SetCPixel(x, y, &c);
- else
- { // some magnification at play here
- if (magFactor != viewmn_Size2Window)
- { // go to straight magnification N (don't display
- magFactor = magFactor-viewmn_normal+1; // 2,3,4
- mr = gCurrYPos * magFactor;
- magniRect.top = mr;
- magniRect.bottom = mr + magFactor;
- magniRect.left = x * magFactor;
- magniRect.right = (x+1) * magFactor;
- RGBForeColor(&c);
- PaintRect(&magniRect);
- }
- }
- // time to update the image?
- if (TICKS > (gRefreshTick + gDitherTicks))
- {
- if (y > (gLastYPos + 1))
- {
- InvalRect_ImageWindow(false);
- Cooperate(true);
- gLastYPos = y;
- gRefreshTick = TICKS;
- }
- }
- }
- } // display_plot
- // ==============================================
- // Do any cleanup needed when the display is complete
- void display_finished(void)
- {
- // Reset last Y pos so that screen refreshes do the whole screen
- gLastYPos = 0;
- } // display_finished
- // ==============================================
- // Close any files used after display is complete
- void display_close(void)
- {
- } // display_close
- // ==============================================
- // Find and assign the appropriate custom palette to the image window
- void SetCustomPalette(Boolean doScreenUpdate)
- {
- PictInfo plot_info;
- short k;
- OSErr anError = noErr;
- PaletteHandle thePalette = NULL;
- if (gImageWindowPtr)
- SetPort(gImageWindowPtr);
- if (gHasPictUtils && use_custom_palette && gOffScreenPixMapH)
- {
- switch(gColorQuantMethod)
- {
- case systemMethod:
- case popularMethod:
- case medianMethod:
- anError = GetPixMapInfo(gOffScreenPixMapH,
- &plot_info,
- returnPalette + suppressBlackAndWhite,
- 256,
- gColorQuantMethod,
- 0);
- // copy the new palette entries into custom palette & use it
- if (plot_info.thePalette && gCustomPalette)
- {
- CopyPalette(plot_info.thePalette, gCustomPalette, 0, 0, 256);
- for (k=0; k<256; k++)
- SetEntryUsage(gCustomPalette, k, pmTolerant, 0x0000);
- thePalette = gCustomPalette;
- }
- // done with retrieved palette. toolbox created it, so we must destroy it!
- if (plot_info.thePalette)
- DisposePalette(plot_info.thePalette);
- break;
- otherwise:
- SysBeep(4);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Revert to system palette
- thePalette = gSystemPalette;
- }
- if (gImageWindowPtr)
- {
- // reset all screens, this is a little severe though!
- if (doScreenUpdate)
- RestoreDeviceClut(NULL);
- // tell window to use the new palette
- if (thePalette)
- NSetPalette(gImageWindowPtr, thePalette, pmAllUpdates);
- ActivatePalette(gImageWindowPtr);
- }
- } // SetCustomPalette
- // ==============================================
- // Display the image to the window
- void DrawImageWindow(Boolean DoWholeWindow)
- {
- BitMap bmap;
- short myMode, i;
- int magFactor;
- static short counter = 0;
- Rect my_bounds;
- RGBColor myRGBWhite = {-1,-1,-1};
- RGBColor myRGBBlack = {0,0,0};
- SetCursor(&gWaitCursor); // could take a little while..
- magFactor = (**gPrefs2Use_h).imageMagFactor;
- if (magFactor != viewmn_hidden)
- { // it is visible
- // set these to defaults so copybits behaves predictably
- RGBBackColor(&myRGBWhite);
- RGBForeColor(&myRGBBlack);
- if (DoWholeWindow)
- {
- // clear whole window
- EraseRect(&gImageWindowPtr->portRect);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- // something to display?
- if (gImagePixmapPtr)
- {
- bmap.baseAddr = (Ptr) gOffScreenPixMapH;
- bmap.rowBytes = 0xC000;
- bmap.bounds = gImageBounds;
- // if (gHasPictUtils)
- // SetCustomPalette(false);
- if ((**gPrefs2Use_h).doDither)
- myMode = ditherCopy;
- else
- myMode = srcCopy;
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- magFactor = magFactor-viewmn_normal+1; // 1,2,3,4
- for (i=0; i < gImageHeight; i = i + virtual_pixHeight)
- {
- swap_virtual_segment (i);
- my_bounds = gImageBounds;
- // <esp> need to fix up for magFactor in virtual mode
- my_bounds.top = (i * magFactor);
- my_bounds.bottom = my_bounds.top + (virtual_pixHeight * magFactor);
- /* don't worry about the bounds, the clipping region
- of the window will stop us from drawing past the bottom */
- my_bounds.left = 0;
- my_bounds.right = gImageWidth * magFactor;
- CopyBits(&bmap, &gImageWindowPtr->portBits,
- &gImageBounds, &my_bounds,
- myMode, NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CopyBits(&bmap, &gImageWindowPtr->portBits,
- &gImageBounds, &gDisplayBounds,
- myMode, NULL);
- }
- // Draw our custom size box if in Size-2-Window mode
- if (magFactor == viewmn_Size2Window)
- DrawImageGrowBox();
- } // offscreen exists
- } // it is visible
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- } // DrawImageWindow
- // ==============================================
- // Write Picture bottleneck routine for paint_to_picture()
- CALLBACK(pascal void, uppQDPutPicProcInfo, MyPutPicProc)( char *dataPtr, short byteCount)
- {
- int myByteCount;
- myByteCount = byteCount;
- gMyPicSize += byteCount;
- if (gImagePictFile)
- {
- if (fwrite( dataPtr, 1, myByteCount, gImagePictFile) != myByteCount)
- {
- fclose (gImagePictFile);
- gImagePictFile = 0;
- }
- }
- // we have to keep the picture handle header updated for Quickdraw!
- if (gMyPicHandle)
- (**gMyPicHandle).picSize = gMyPicSize;
- } // MyPutPicProc
- // ==============================================
- // Write the Pixmap out to either a disk file, or the Clipboard
- void paint_to_picture(short do_disk_buffer)
- {
- BitMap bmap;
- short myMode, i;
- OSErr anError;
- Rect my_bounds, myPicRect;
- CGrafPort myCGrafPtr;
- GrafPtr oldGrafPtr;
- PictFHeader myPictFHeader;
- CQDProcs myQDProcs;
- anError = noErr;
- if (gImagePixmapPtr)
- {
- SetCursor(&gWaitCursor); // could take a little while..
- GetPort(&oldGrafPtr);
- OpenCPort (&myCGrafPtr);
- SetPort ((GrafPtr)&myCGrafPtr);
- PortSize (gImageWidth, gImageHeight);
- myPicRect.top = 0;
- myPicRect.bottom = gImageHeight;
- myPicRect.left = 0;
- myPicRect.right = gImageWidth;
- ClipRect(&myPicRect);
- if (do_disk_buffer)
- {
- SetStdCProcs ((CQDProcsPtr) &myQDProcs);
- myQDProcs.putPicProc = (QDPutPicUPP)&MyPutPicProc;
- myCGrafPtr.grafProcs = (CQDProcsPtr) &myQDProcs;
- // write the PICT header to the file
- gMyPicSize = sizeof(myPictFHeader);
- myPictFHeader.picSize = gMyPicSize; // accumulated later in MyPutPicProc()..
- myPictFHeader.picFrame = myPicRect;
- i = fwrite (&myPictFHeader, 1, sizeof(myPictFHeader), gImagePictFile);
- anError = ferror(gImagePictFile);
- }
- if (!anError)
- {
- /* insure gMyPicHandle null, 'cause MyPutPicProc will be called in OpenPicture! */
- gMyPicHandle = NULL;
- gMyPicHandle = OpenPicture (&myPicRect);
- anError = QDError();
- }
- bmap.baseAddr = (Ptr) gOffScreenPixMapH;
- bmap.rowBytes = 0xC000; // flag for PixMap
- if ((**gPrefs2Use_h).doDither)
- myMode = ditherCopy;
- else
- myMode = srcCopy;
- if (!anError)
- {
- if (gDoingVirtualFile)
- for (i=0; (i <= gImageHeight) && !anError; i = i + virtual_pixHeight)
- {
- swap_virtual_segment (i);
- my_bounds.top = i;
- // NOTE, JIM! (next source line)
- // By doing a CopyBits of the last rect in full, the whole rect of pixels _does_
- // get written to the PICT file, even though not all the scan lines are valid..
- // this doesn't hurt anything, just makes the file a little bigger than it needs to be,
- // since the extra lines will get clipped on playback. However, since gImageBounds is
- // global, it would be icky to temporarily change its bottom along with my_bounds so
- // as to only write the necessary lines.. maybe later. :-)
- my_bounds.bottom = i + virtual_pixHeight;
- my_bounds.left = 0;
- my_bounds.right = gImageWidth;
- CopyBits(&bmap, (BitMap *)&myCGrafPtr.portPixMap, &gImageBounds, &my_bounds,
- myMode, NULL);
- anError = QDError();
- }
- else
- {
- CopyBits(&bmap, (BitMap *)&myCGrafPtr.portPixMap, &gImageBounds, &gImageBounds,
- myMode, NULL);
- anError = QDError();
- }
- }
- /* write end-of-picture */
- if (!anError)
- {
- ClosePicture();
- anError = QDError();
- }
- if (!anError)
- {
- if (do_disk_buffer)
- {
- /* don't call us anymore! */
- SetStdCProcs((CQDProcsPtr) &myQDProcs);
- /* move back to pic header again */
- fflush(gImagePictFile);
- fseek(gImagePictFile, PICTF_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
- anError = ferror(gImagePictFile);
- /* update the PICT header in the file (with now-true picSize field..) */
- if (!anError)
- {
- myPictFHeader.picSize = gMyPicSize;
- i = fwrite (&myPictFHeader, 1, sizeof(myPictFHeader), gImagePictFile);
- anError = ferror(gImagePictFile);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ZeroScrap();
- HLock((Handle) gMyPicHandle);
- gMyPicSize = GetHandleSize((Handle) gMyPicHandle);
- PutScrap (gMyPicSize, 'PICT', (Ptr) *gMyPicHandle);
- gMyPicSize = UnloadScrap();
- HUnlock((Handle) gMyPicHandle);
- }
- } // if !error
- /* close up shop */
- CloseCPort(&myCGrafPtr);
- SetPort(oldGrafPtr);
- if (gMyPicHandle)
- DisposeHandle((Handle) gMyPicHandle);
- /* oh yeah, check for errors */
- if (anError)
- {
- if (gImagePictFile)
- {
- fclose (gImagePictFile);
- gImagePictFile = NULL;
- }
- SysBeep(4);
- }
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- } // if gImagePixmapPtr..
- } // paint_to_picture
- // ==============================================
- // Write the Pixmap as a PICT file
- // getName - if true, prompt for output file name
- // animSuffix - ignore if <0, if 0-N then use as file name frame suffix for anim
- // ci - QuickTime StdCompression component if image is to be compressed
- void SaveOutputFile(Boolean getName, int animSuffix, ComponentInstance ci)
- {
- int k;
- Rect myPicRect;
- Point where;
- SFReply reply;
- FInfo myFileInfo;
- FSSpec fsFile;
- char filler[4];
- char cFname[256];
- for (k=0; k<4; k++)
- filler[k] = 0;
- // Find and remove the ".POV" suffix
- pStrCopy(gSrcWind_FileName, (StringPtr)cFname);
- p2cstr((StringPtr)cFname);
- k = strlen(cFname);
- if ((k>4) && (cFname[k-4] == '.'))
- cFname[k-4] = '\0';
- // add animation suffix?
- strcat (cFname, ".");
- if (animSuffix == kNoAnimSuffix)
- {
- strcat (cFname, "Pict");
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(filler, "%03d",animSuffix);
- strcat (cFname, filler);
- }
- if (getName)
- {
- c2pstr(cFname);
- GetBestDialogPos(&where);
- SFPutFile (where, "\pSave PICT file as╔", (StringPtr)cFname, NULL, &reply);
- }
- else
- {
- // copy the generated name into SF Reply..
- strcpy ((char *) reply.fName,cFname);
- c2pstr((char *)reply.fName);
- reply.vRefNum = gSrcWind_VRefNum;
- reply.good = TRUE;
- }
- if (reply.good)
- {
- SetCursor(&gWaitCursor);
- fsFile.vRefNum = reply.vRefNum;
- fsFile.parID = 0;
- BlockMove(reply.fName, fsFile.name, 1+reply.fName[0]);
- p2cstr(reply.fName);
- SetVol(NULL, reply.vRefNum);
- gImagePictFile = fopen((char *) reply.fName,"wb");
- if (gImagePictFile)
- {
- for (k=0; k<PICTF_HEADER_SIZE/4; k++)
- fwrite (&filler, 1, 4, gImagePictFile);
- // if not doing a virtual screen (which could take awhile) then
- // let the window update event get through to repaint the image
- // in case the dialog stomped on it.
- if (!gDoingVirtualFile)
- {
- Cooperate(true);
- }
- paint_to_picture(TRUE);
- if (gImagePictFile)
- {
- fclose (gImagePictFile);
- gImagePictFile = NULL;
- c2pstr((char *)reply.fName);
- /* If QuickTime is around & user wants to squish the picture, ask user how to squish it */
- if (gHasImageCompressionMgr && (**gPrefs2Use_h).doCompression)
- {
- myPicRect.top = 0;
- myPicRect.bottom = gImageHeight;
- myPicRect.left = 0;
- myPicRect.right = gImageWidth;
- k = FSMakeFSSpec(reply.vRefNum, 0, reply.fName, &fsFile);
- if (!k)
- k=CompressPictF(ci, &fsFile);
- }
- // set image file to type PICT
- k = GetFInfo(reply.fName, reply.vRefNum, &myFileInfo);
- if (k==0)
- {
- myFileInfo.fdType = 'PICT';
- myFileInfo.fdCreator = (**gPrefs2Use_h).pictFileCreator;
- k = SetFInfo (reply.fName, reply.vRefNum, &myFileInfo);
- }
- // not yet tested and working, but leave in for later..
- // // stick a preview resource on it
- // if (wanted..)
- // k = AppendFilePreview2PictF(&fsFile);
- // Add System 7 custom icons of the image itself to the file
- if (gHasImageCompressionMgr)
- AppendFinderIcons2PictF(&fsFile, &myPicRect, eAFI_ShrinkWholeImage);
- }
- else
- // couldn't write PICT file
- (void)displayDialog(140, NULL, 0, ewcDoCentering, eSameAsPassedWindow);
- }
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- } // SaveOutputFile